The National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (founded in 1991) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research to eliminate childhood cancer. We govern a unique, collaborative research consortium (the Sunshine Project™) consisting of physicians and scientists from over thirty of the top hospitals in the nation. We collaborate to idealize and aggregate the best scientific ideas and fund innovative research. The NPCF has received a perfect 100% score for financial health and transparency and is recognized as the top-rated cancer charity in the U.S. by Charity Navigator. For more information, visit NationalPCF.org.

Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease among children.

Each day, 43 kids in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with cancer. Approximately 1 in 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday.

More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors experience significant health-related issues by the age of 45 because of current treatment options.

Only 4% of the billions of dollars the government spends annually on cancer research is directed towards treating childhood cancer.
Want to donate directly?
With only 4% of all federal funding for cancer research allocated to childhood cancer projects, NPCF seeks your help to offset this lack of funding.